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Spanish dance, between tradition and renewal. A mixed program of repertory and new choreography, based on the tradition of Spanish dance and reflecting the evolution of scenic proposals through three generations of creators. The program begins with a flamenco classic or, alternatively, a piece by Antonio Canales, followed by three solos by contemporary choreographers with very different personalities who are renewing flamenco and Spanish dance, making them permeable to other styles. The director of the Ballet Nacional de España, Rubén Olmo, justifies the need to maintain the classics without losing sight of new trends.
The purpose of the BNE it to preserve, spread and convey Spain’s rich choreographic heritage, including its diverse styles and traditions, which are represented by different forms: academic, stylised, folklore, bolera, and flamenco. It also works to attract new audiences and boost its national and international scope while being fully independent artistically and creatively.
Artistic direction:
Ruben Olmo
Premiere at the Teatro de la Zarzuela on July 13, 1984 by the Ballet Nacional de Espana, directed by Maria de Avila.
Alberto Lorca dedicated his choreography to Encarnación López aka "La Argentinita". There is no argument for this choreography only a visual recreation of the pure abstraction of dance. A show in which symmetry becomes art through the development of its five movements. The rhythm of the heels, the vibrant pirouettes and the character of the castanets create a virtuoso ensemble of sound and movement.
Choreography:Alberto Lorca
Music:José Nieto
Lighting design:Freddy Gerlache (AAI)
Eduardo Solís y Asier Basterra
Costumes:Pin Morales, Román Arango
Ballet Masters:Maribel Gallardo
Cristina Visús, Miguel Ángel Corbacho
World premiere at Teatro del Canal in Madrid on Sept. 8 – 2002
This piece has its origin in the invitation that Rubén Olmo made me two years ago to create a new ad hoc choreography with the first dancer of the BNE, Inmaculada Salomón. The complicity that arose between Inma and I during the staging of Electra (2017) leads us on this occasion to delve deeper into the creative process, with the intimacy involved in working alone and the level of subtleties and nuances that only a performer with her sensitivity, maturity and experience can achieve. As a result of my interest in the Spanish musical legacy, I discovered the Sevillian composer Manuel Blasco De Nebra (1750-1784) and his original repertoire of Sonatas and Pastorelas for harpsichord and piano forte. The inspiration for this creation was born from playing with that music. The choreographic language navigates between the bolero school, stylized and contemporary dance, making cadences and Goyaesque deconstructions coexist with evolutions of today's dance. With a costume design of a clear historicist perfume and a refined lighting, Pastorela proposes a poetic dialogue between music and movement, between the ephemeral and the eternal. A miniature of yesterday, a relic of tomorrow.
Choreography:Antonio Ruiz
Collaboration:Inmaculada Salomón
Music:Sonata n° 1 en do mineur (Allegro), Pastorela n° 6 en mi mineur (Menuet) de Manuel Blasco de Nebra
Piano live:José Luis Franco
Lightings design:Olga García (AAI)
Costumes:Alejandro Andújar
Rehearsals:Diana Noriega et Miguel Ángel Corbacho
World premiere at Teatro deL Canal on Sept. 9th - 2022
Emoussé, ou brisé, l’aurore
L’aube se lève
Elle naît d'une photographie de la prédétermination, du "Je". Et de la nécessité d'atteindre le point de rupture sur le chemin qui nous fait quitter notre zone de
confortet traverser nos multiples personnalités, en composant une image qui nous
représente d'une manière plus véridique.Un lieu de rencontre entre notre honneur
et notre vulnérabilité, un lieu pour se reconnaître et s'accepter dans l'abîme.
"Comme la première lumière du matin, cette aube se lève prête à découvrir toute sa nature". Jesús Carmona
Jesús Carmona
Danseuse soliste:
Miriam Mendoza
El Corpus Christi en Sevilla d'Isaac Albéniz
Piano live:
José Luis Franco
Conception des lumières:
Nicolás Fischtel (AAI)
Belén de la Quintana
Professeur répétiteur:
Maribel Gallardo
Diana Noriega et Miguel Ángel Corbacho
World premiere on Sept. 10 – 2022 at Teatro Canal in Madrid
Dans notre imaginaire, le jacaranda est apparenté à l'arbre qui pousse dans de nombreuses villes d'Amérique latine. Il est synonyme de printemps avec l'arrivée de sa floraison. C'est un arbre ornemental aux fleurs tubulaires bleu violacé, mais il est aussi synonyme de féminité, de beauté, d'essence et de parfum. Le jacaranda est une promenade au coucher du soleil, c'est une danse de femme. C'est une symbiose entre l'essence de la nature et de la femme.
Rubén Olmo
Chorégraphie : Rubén Olmo
Danseuse soliste : Débora Martínez
Musique : Suite de Danzas Criollas, Opus 15, d'Alberto Ginastera
Piano live : José Luis Franco
Conception des lumières : Luis Perdiguero (AAI)
Conception des costumes : Anselmo Gervolés
Répétiteurs : Diana Noriega et Miguel Ángel Corbacho
World premiere at Teatro Galos de Las Palmas on Dec. 09 – 1997
Antonio Canales a créé cette chorégraphie pour le Ballet Nacional de España dans laquelle il décline les différents palos (diverses formes musicale) du flamenco : Seguirillas, Soleá, Alegrías, Tientos y Tangos.
Antonio Canales
José Mª Bandera, José Carlos Gómez, José Jiménez “El Viejín”,
Juan Ignacio Gómez Gorjón “Chicuelo”
Conception des lumières:
Sergio Spinelli
Adaptation des lumières:
Eduardo Solís y Asier Basterra
Conception des costumes:
Pedro Moreno
Reprise de Grito:
Mónica Fernández y Pol Vaquero
Direction de répétitions:
Maribel Gallardo
Miguel Ángel Corbacho
a program
3 proposals
5 pieces
one of these
3 solos
is inserted between
rytmo and grito
Dates will be announced shortly.